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Weird Week Dedications


I am always amazed by days, weeks, and months that are dedicated to specific ideas and such. My question: Why do we need to dedicate a day, or a week, or a month to something we should all be doing every day of the year? No! Things we should be doing every day of our lives! Especially days like Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or St. Valentine’s Day. Generosity, Appreciation, and Love are qualities that need to be encouraged daily, not just 1 day out of every 365. The idea of special units of time dedicated to the good things in life baffles me to no end.

Tomorrow begins Be Kind to Humankind Week. Do we really need to be told, or reminded, to be kind to each other this coming week? ARE WE REALLY THAT LOST as a society that we need to be instructed to be kind to our fellow human beings? And ONLY FOR ONE WEEK! Seven days out of the next 365! Are we really that sick?

And the answer to those questions appears to be, “Yes, we really are that sick!” Parents hate children, and children hate parents. Siblings cannot get along. Friends, those people who we choose to have in our lives, are no longer in our lives because of inhumane things like politics, and religion, and the colour of our skin, or who we choose to love, or what we choose to be. None of these things are humane! And to let them seperate us is insane!

My blogging friend swabby429 reminds us what is coming up starting Sunday, and lasting to Saturday next. I don’t know whether to smile, or scream! Both responses are valid, as far as I am concerned. So for those who need the reminder, here it is:

Hopefully not everyone needed the reminder, but if you did, be kind to yourself. There is so much going on in our lives these days we should forgive ourselves for forgetting some of the basic things in life, like kindness. If you cannot be kind to yourself, can you truly be kind to others?

Just to clarify, Swabby puts forth some ideas I do not agree with. They did not stop me from respecting his writing to the point I didn’t want to share his words with you. But I do want to tell you what they are.

We do not only live once. I believe in reincarnation, not of the ego, but of the spirit. Who we think we are, yes, we only live once. But who we are inside of us, that spirit lives on. It doesn’t have a name, like rawgod or swabby429, but it doesn’t need a name. And it will live a miĺlion lives or more, possibly on Earth, mostly on other places in other dimensions. And in each life it will learn a bit more about life, and how to be kind to everyone, including itself.

The other thing I believe, which Swabby probably did not say because his topic was defined by its title. Is that we should not just be kind to our fellow humans, but to every living being we encounter in life. All of us are doing the same thing — trying to make it from birth (or whatever start we had for our lives) to death, which we hope will be our natural end. None of us, no matter who or what we are, wants to die before our time is up. That is our biggest goal in life once we take our first breath, whether we stop to think about it or not, to die peacefully. Every living being wants that — and so we should be kind to each other, and help each other achieve that goal.

So do unto others only that which you would willingly allow others to do unto you. Would you willingly let someone hurt or kill you? Probably not. So why would you willingly hurt or kill another living being?

Peace! Live every moment of your life to create a memory you will not forget, or regret. Be kind! Be!

By rawgod

A man with a lot of strange experiences in my life. Haven't traveled that much per se, but have lived in a lot of different areas. English is the only language I have mastered, and the older I get, the more of it I lose. Seniorhood gives me more time to self-reflect, but since time seems to go much faster, it feels like I don't have as much time for living as my younger selves did. I believe in spiritual atheism and responsible anarchy. These do not have to be oxymorons. Imagination is an incredible tool. I can imagine a lot of things.

4 replies on “Weird Week Dedications”

Yeah, I guess. But I still hate them because they say we can’t think for ourselves. It’s just the way I go. We should be responsible to remember to be kindvall the time, without having to think about it.

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