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An American Takes a Look at Politics — I Look at a Bigger Picture

Susan Taylor, of Clearing Spaces for Joy, asked a series of “What if” questions that made me ask some questions of my own. The thing was, Susan was asking only from an American point of view. My nature is to look at a more universal point of view, the Big Picture, so-to-speak.

Susan’s questions will be typed in regular type, while mine will be in italics. First I pasted Susan’s question into the text; then I wrote my corresponding question into the text. Some of Susan’s questions I could not make universal, so I made no addition. Some questions I decided to ask that had no reference to what Susan asked. I listed them at the end. I hope some of these questions inspire you to think deeper.

I hope some of you will be inspired to ask questions of your own. PLEASE feel free to add them in the comment section.


Without further ado, I give you Susan’s introduction, followed by mine…

Thinking about the 2024 “election” that is on track to put the worst ever president back into office (that being The Former Guy)…

Thinking about future elections in democratic states, including the USA, the fight has become about going backwards to a time of authoritarian rule, be it church or state or royalty, where particular people feel it their right to tell the rest of us what is best for us, people who decide how we should live and who should get the greatest benefits of the societies we live in, versus the societies we live in moving forward as one unit to the benefit of all.

1. What if … many more of our elected officials had actual integrity rather than simply an unquenchable hunger for power and wealth?

A. What if … all of our elected officials had to be honest and trustworthy, attuned to the needs of the whole society, not just catering to special interest groups. Not people who are only out for themselves and those like them — not people who feel they are superior in some way to everyone else, but peoplecwho genuinely care! What if they all had to prove their empathy?

2. What if … people running for office who are clearly criminals actually weren’t permitted to run, let alone stay in office, when the crimes were made public?

B. What if … we had an egalitarian society where no one was in need of anything, where everyone was truly equal, where no one put their own needs above the needs of anyone else — in other words, what if crime was not necessary?

3. What if … our elected officials were actual public servants and weren’t motivated to line their own pockets while allowing the struggling among us to get more and more overwhelmed?

C. What if … our officials were not elected, but appointed out of a group of thoroughly vetted candidates, nominated to others, who had to interview in front of boards of regular citizens (not just one board that might develop a bias, but perhaps 10 boards with different concerns, each board rating each candidate by its own systems, until one candidate becomes a clear choice. Power-hungry candidates would fall by the wayside, The selection system would be too onerous on them.)

4. What if … there wasn’t such a thing as lobbying? How am I the only person who sees how incredibly corrupt this process is? I mean, sure, send letters/emails, but how does it make any sense whatsoever that lobbyists can pour money into the coffers so as to get their way?

D. What if … lobbyists had to be licensed by a number of boards (see above), and be forced to lobby only in front of all legislators, and be summarily jailed without trial if they are discovered to be trying to lobby individuals or groups, or offer bribes to anyone. Five years for a first offence, and barred from lobbying for the rest of their lives!

5. What if … Democrats acknowledged that however great Biden has been as our president, he is probably not going to get re-elected if the media is constantly harping on him being too old?

E. What if …by law all media were barred from offering opinions, conducting polls, and otherwise prevented from trying to influence a vote. All they would be allowed to do is report facts in a non-partisan factual way. Huge fines would be exacted for breaking this law, with possible jail time for anyone deemed responsible for allowing the law to be broken — including media ownership!

6. What if … both of the front runners ACTUALLY ARE TOO OLD!

F. What if … age is not allowed to be a consideration, but health is, especially mental health — including signs of dementia.

7. What if … Democrats had actual vision and thought about who in the younger generation could lead this country?

G. What if … there were mandatory non-partisan leadership and competence training programs to search out and develop young talent to create a pool of candidates chosen not by political parties, but by the people themselves!

8. What if … President Biden made a speech that said it has been the honor of his life to lead our country and he wants to put our country into the capable hands of a younger leader … Gretchen Witmer or some other Democrat making changes in their own circle of influence?

9. What if … President Biden and everyone who supports him and his platform got the word out to vote for the “anointed successor?”

10. What if … there was an ever growing group of legislators who would ACTUALLY be willing to put country over self-interest?

H. What if … there was a way for citizens to vote on every bill that comes before a chamber of government? (With the Internet this is now possible!)

11. What if … our votes really mattered? I know sometimes contests are won by a small number of votes, but if the electoral college can override what the voters want, tell me how my vote matters.

12. What if … there was a commitment to trying new ways to compromise and accomplish things instead of just beating our heads against the wall and wondering why we all have these horrible headaches?

I. What if … participation of all parties in reaching a decision was mandatory, and any party refusing to compromise was removed from the chamber so that the remaining elected officials would be able to carry on the work of governing — if people are not willing to participate in a constructive manner with the intent of reaching the best solution they give up their right to be in attendance when the roll is called.

13. What if … RADICAL IDEA INCOMING … there existed a norm that we are all in this together? That life is meant to be lived with connection and consideration of others, as well as ourselves?

J. What if democracy was allowed to work the way it was designed to work. Of the people, for the people, by the people? What if there were no barriers to work being done, such an one person holding a filibuster without the consent of at least 1/10 of the chamber being filibustered. For one member to filibuster against the wishes of all others is an abuse of power.

K. What if … we could recall ANY politician including a nation’s leader if over half the voters in a constituency agreed the elected official was not worthy of retaining their position?

L. What if … the people were polled, similar to a referendum, about a controversial or wide-reaching agenda item, such as abortion, or gun control, and majority ruled!

My answer is, I would like my life as an American a whole lot better. How about you?

I do not have an answer, not yet. I am thinking about it… But what I do have is a message for Conservatives, Republicans, Regressionists and Devolutionists everywhere: Life is about moving forward and upward. From the Primordial Soup where life began, through the Dinosaur Ascendency and sudden ending, to the ascendency of homo homo sapiens. Life moves forward towards improvement, and life moves upward toward global awareness. YOU CANNOT STOP IT! YOU CANNOT MAKE IT GO BACKWARDS, OR DOWNWARDS! If you do not want to move forward and upward with the rest of humanity, go climb a tree, or hide in a cave. You have no place in this world. We’ll love you, and keep you fed, but if you don’t want to be like us, go live amongst your own kind. Leave the rest of us be. All you are doing is pissing us off. That cannot end well for anyone.

Afterlife Days, Weeks, Months Ego Friendship Golden Rule Learning Life Lists RACISM SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Spirituality Swabby429 Toward a Better World

Weird Week Dedications


I am always amazed by days, weeks, and months that are dedicated to specific ideas and such. My question: Why do we need to dedicate a day, or a week, or a month to something we should all be doing every day of the year? No! Things we should be doing every day of our lives! Especially days like Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or St. Valentine’s Day. Generosity, Appreciation, and Love are qualities that need to be encouraged daily, not just 1 day out of every 365. The idea of special units of time dedicated to the good things in life baffles me to no end.

Tomorrow begins Be Kind to Humankind Week. Do we really need to be told, or reminded, to be kind to each other this coming week? ARE WE REALLY THAT LOST as a society that we need to be instructed to be kind to our fellow human beings? And ONLY FOR ONE WEEK! Seven days out of the next 365! Are we really that sick?

And the answer to those questions appears to be, “Yes, we really are that sick!” Parents hate children, and children hate parents. Siblings cannot get along. Friends, those people who we choose to have in our lives, are no longer in our lives because of inhumane things like politics, and religion, and the colour of our skin, or who we choose to love, or what we choose to be. None of these things are humane! And to let them seperate us is insane!

My blogging friend swabby429 reminds us what is coming up starting Sunday, and lasting to Saturday next. I don’t know whether to smile, or scream! Both responses are valid, as far as I am concerned. So for those who need the reminder, here it is:

Hopefully not everyone needed the reminder, but if you did, be kind to yourself. There is so much going on in our lives these days we should forgive ourselves for forgetting some of the basic things in life, like kindness. If you cannot be kind to yourself, can you truly be kind to others?

Just to clarify, Swabby puts forth some ideas I do not agree with. They did not stop me from respecting his writing to the point I didn’t want to share his words with you. But I do want to tell you what they are.

We do not only live once. I believe in reincarnation, not of the ego, but of the spirit. Who we think we are, yes, we only live once. But who we are inside of us, that spirit lives on. It doesn’t have a name, like rawgod or swabby429, but it doesn’t need a name. And it will live a miĺlion lives or more, possibly on Earth, mostly on other places in other dimensions. And in each life it will learn a bit more about life, and how to be kind to everyone, including itself.

The other thing I believe, which Swabby probably did not say because his topic was defined by its title. Is that we should not just be kind to our fellow humans, but to every living being we encounter in life. All of us are doing the same thing — trying to make it from birth (or whatever start we had for our lives) to death, which we hope will be our natural end. None of us, no matter who or what we are, wants to die before our time is up. That is our biggest goal in life once we take our first breath, whether we stop to think about it or not, to die peacefully. Every living being wants that — and so we should be kind to each other, and help each other achieve that goal.

So do unto others only that which you would willingly allow others to do unto you. Would you willingly let someone hurt or kill you? Probably not. So why would you willingly hurt or kill another living being?

Peace! Live every moment of your life to create a memory you will not forget, or regret. Be kind! Be!

Afterlife Atheism Colin Wicking Fear Heaven Inquiring Minds Life Love Paradise Philosophy Spirituality Toward a Better World Trump


I am not a believer. Period! And even IF there were a God, I certainly do not think there would be a Hell. How could a “god of love” express love by condemning someone to eternal suffering? Love has no room for vengeance, and that is what the idea of hell expresses, revenge for someone not loving a God! What good is punishment if there is no chance of redemption? No good at all. (Which explains why I do not agree with the driving concept behind jail, or punishment.) You do not teach by punishing someone, all you do is possibly and at most train them to do no wrong. Training is supposed to make someone better at something, but all imprisonment does is either train someone to hate punishment, or teach them to avoid getting caught. Neither one makes anyone a better person.

This cartoon is a question mark to me? I like it, but I do not know why. I guess it is partly because all the reasons religion gives that might cause a person to end up in hell are spurious at best. They are not worth sending a soul (and I use the word advisedly) to eternal damnation. Is it really a crime not to believe in a God!? If it is, that god is not worth anyone’s worship. Plain and simple. Get over yourself! You are not the god you claim to be if you cannot forgive someone who is not impressed with your works. I am certainly not impressed with the works of the Christian god, or any other god from any other pantheon — most of which have no such place as Hell to confine non-believers into, for Eternity.

As I said at the start, I am not a believer, in any god, gods or superbeings of any kind. They make no sense. The state this world is in at this particular period in time (or any other period in human history for that matter) tells me no one with any power to care for all living beings cares about us!

Here we are, on the brink of extinction, because some people who believe in the Christian god DO NOT BELIEVE in climate change. They are doing everything in their power to cause the world as we know it to end. One would be forgiven if they wondered if those people were trying to extinct humanity in order to bring on the rapture they so desperately want to happen. THEY WANT THE WORLD TO END! Only, while our societies might end, life will not die! Life always survives, somehow, somewhere. No one group of humans can kill it. Not even their god, were he real, has that power. Life is bigger than humanity, and Life is bigger than humanity’s gods.

Thank god for that!

Emotions Friendship Human Interest Inspiration Love Music Spirituality


Today Jill Dennison at Filosofa’s Word reduxed the song Wonderful Tonight, which Eric Clapton wrote for his then wife, Patti Boyd. And she mentioned that Patti had also been the inspiration for two other of rock’s greatest love songs: George Harrison’s Something, and Derek and the Dominoes’ Layla, also written by Clapton.

This story has every emotion possible in a human relationship, and yet, in the end, there is an amazing bond between the three people involved, when most relationships would have devolved into hatred, jealousy, and quite possibly tragedy.

This story is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for those who want happily ever after. Yet it somehow transcends human possibility, and can inspire everyone to just look past surface issues, and discover what can be deep inside of us…

My thanks to Todd Lohenry, at Bright, shiny objects! for this post.

Daily Prompt Human Interest Imagination Philosophy SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Spirituality Toward a Better World

so many possibilities: so few answers

Daily writing prompt
How important is spirituality in your life?

I consider my idea of spirituality to be highly important in my life, but what I might be saying might not be what you are thinking. Everyone has their own internal meaning for the feeling or sense of spirituality, some religious, some not. I am of the non-religious variety, but truthfully anyone can be spiritual, by their own definition.

My personal view of spirituality is a connection to all other living beings, whoever they may be, whatever they may look like, wherever they may live. I do not believe homo sapiens have a monopoly on having a spirit. When you look at the DNA of every species of life on Earth, living or dead, we all share certain chromosones, whether we are plant, animal, or neither. From one-celled bacteria up to billion-celled entities, we are all related, having evolved from the first successful forms of life in the primeval soup of, scientists tell us, 4.5 billion years ago. Our varieties are seemingly endless, but our connections make us all one.

And I am willing to bet, if there is life on other celestial bodies, anywhere in this great universe, we will share some kind of connection with them too.

This does not mean some are right, and some are wrong. We all view the cosmos as best we can, and therefore make our decisions based on our own viewpoints. But, I think, the wider we cast our net, the more we can feel compassion for everyone and everything. And if we can feel compassion for others, we can be on our way to creating a wonderful world to live in. Nobody is wrong, when everyone is right!