Fighting Poverty March 2, 2024 Poor People's Csmpaign Poverty


The March to Power

I cannot say anything more about what will happen in the United States of America tomorrow, and for the next 42 weeks. (March 3rd in the eastern parts of the world.) Let this day be known forever as The Day the World Stood Up!

What I can say is, don’t think something similar is not needed in every nation on this planet Earth. For a long time, the poor people of the world have had no power. That is about to change!

So help make change. Start a Poor People’s Campaign where you live. Get in touch with the American chapter, learn from them, and use the learning to help the greatest majority of people on this Earth. Please! Be amazed at what you can do if you just get up off your ass!

(There is an hour long video attached to this post. Watch it all if you can, but if not, watch the first ten minutes, and let them inspire you to action!)