First Quantun Minerals Panama The Fifth Estate YouTube


There is a war of protest going on in Panama against a mining company that is destroying the Panamanian rainforest, poisoning the water, and impoverishing the Panamanian people, and I thought you might like to know about it.

I was so angry I sent the following email to the Employment Department of First Quantum Minerals. I didn’t word it very well I am sorry to say, I wrote it with passion and anger and disbelief that people care more about having good-paying jobs working for a murdering corporation than they do about the people and country they are helping destroy!

I want a job as a protest breaker in Panama so I can shoot Panamanians in cold blood, without caring one damn about the unhuman families of those who die. They’re just a bunch of animals anyway, trying to get in the way of Capitalist Fuckheads who have no hearts! Boy am I ever glad you are besmirching the name of Canada and Canadians. I hope you all are proud of yourselves for working for a bunch of lying thieves and murderers!

Wow! I did that? Little old me? I even signed with my real name and actual email address hoping they get back to me.

So what set me off? Last night I watched a news show on Canada’s The Fifth Estate about First Quantum Minerals which purports to be a Canadian company and gets support from the Canadian government, even though in this huge world-wide company they do no actual business in Canada, pay no Canadian taxes, and employ a total of 25 Canadians. This does not sound very Canadian to me, and I am thoroughly ashamed by my government for being involved in promoting this company, possibly even spending good Canadian dollars to uphold a company who does not care if it destoys an entire nation!

Here is the YouTube address for the news program:

I do not expect anyone to watch the whole program, it is probably 40 to 45 minutes long, unless they added the commercials — then it is close to an hour. But while I do not expect anyone to watch the entire show, I hope you do. It is very well done, and it lets the viewer take in the information without actively encouraging us to hate First Quantum Minerals, although if you are human you should hate it.

i’ll leave this here, so as not to influence you more than I already have. But I will be more than willing to have discussions in the Comment section below. I do hope you are moved to comment.