Black Pumas Soul Music Tom MacInnes, Writer


My internet music friend Tom McInnes turned me on to this group, but before I send you to his website I want to play a song for you by the group he is featuring today. Why? Because I want you to hear them before you read about them. Listen to this song a time or two — while it is relatively new, it takes me back to an earlier time, when Soul was just becoming popular. To me that time was a whole new revelation of voice as a musical instrument.

If you have not heard this band before, I hope you will be pleasantly surprised. I certainly was, though I almost didn’t listen to them. You’ll understand why after you read Tom’s post. I was afraid it would not be my kind of music.

I was wrong.

If you like this music, read on. If you don’t, well, I feel for you…

You can find more Black Pumas’ music on YouTube, including a number of live concerts. Please, enjoy.

Just by the way, my favourite singer, in case you don’t know, is Eric Burdon. With this singer’s name being Eric Burton, how could he go wrong…

By rawgod

A man with a lot of strange experiences in my life. Haven't traveled that much per se, but have lived in a lot of different areas. English is the only language I have mastered, and the older I get, the more of it I lose. Seniorhood gives me more time to self-reflect, but since time seems to go much faster, it feels like I don't have as much time for living as my younger selves did. I believe in spiritual atheism and responsible anarchy. These do not have to be oxymorons. Imagination is an incredible tool. I can imagine a lot of things.

12 replies on “BLACK PUMAS”

For those of us who have been listening to this genre of music all our lives this particular song sounds, well, generic. Brought to mind Billy Paul – so thanks for that, I went over to youtube and refreshed my memories.

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I wasn’t too impressed with the lyrics of any of their songs I l7stened to, but I loved that sound. It was like I was listening to early Motown again.
Half the time I could not understand their lyrics either. 😇

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I was wondering why you thought you wouldn’t like this and then I read the post (after listening and loving it) and I thought I gleaned why because I also don’t immediately (or sometimes ever) want to listen to anything Christian music. Not that this is. Anyway, I love their vibe and what a voice he has. Very soothing and calming.

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Awesome. I’ve never heard the Black Pumas, nor heard of them. But, as you say, it is reminiscent of Motown. Now to go read and listen to some more.
Thank you, rawgod! And excellent plan, the way you blogged this. I’d still have listened, but sometimes I just “sample.” Your writing made me go in planning to listen the whole 4+ minutes. It seemed like less than 2, which is how pleasant this song is! Again, now to go read and listen to some more.

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Aaand it turns out, I have heard the Black Pumas before, I just didn’t know it. I know the song “Colors,” linked on Tom McInnes’s page. I probably heard it on the radio in the car a few times.

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How right you are. The melody is so reminiscent of early soul/ Motown and the melody is terrific. I struggled with the lyrics though as they didn’t make sense to me. A very soothing wraparound voice, well worth the listen. Hugs

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